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Gratitude Makes Everything Grow

Grateful gallivanters

A Community of People Grateful For Life


The mission

Hello world, I'm Grant aka Gallivanting with Grant on Instagram! I started my content creating journey in February 2022. I focus the substance of my content on highlighting places that are underrated and hidden gems. I focus the message of my content to be about positivity and gratitude. I believe that practicing gratitude leads to more opportunities in life to be grateful of. I've seen it first hand not just in my own life, but also with others. I've seen many posts and reels over time of people telling the world how grateful they are of life, that they can travel to beautiful places and have awesome experiences. I want the world to know not just how grateful I am, but also to give others a platform to showcase their gratitude too. That is the inspiration behind why I decided to create this website. I read the Chicken Soup for the Soul books growing up, and I want this website to serve a similar purpose. People who are are feeling pessimistic will be able to read these stories of gratitude, and hopefully become inspired to master gratitude themselves. And perhaps someday, they can tell the world their own story of gratitude! My goal is that this positive cycle will continue over time. If we can get one person inspired to master gratitude from reading these stories, then this blog helped the world become a better place! 



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IG: gallivanting.with.grant


Home Base: Orange County, CA 

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